Ukraine, Kiev

Ivan Franko str. 25/40, оf.2

+38(044) 592-05-75

+38(050) 405-03-47

Training materials



Review for Abbreviations Handbook - a manual which compiles the most widely used English  abbreviations in medicine.




ACME (a certification course of medical English)


Presented by the Ukrainian-British education project in 3 books. Each section of the book is equipped with a dictionary and transcription.


General medicine first book


Reveals the themes of anatomy and functioning of organs and systems of the body work in hospitals between the medical staff and the patient, examination, modern diagnostic pathology, laboratory methods, and modern treatment.


Especially textbooks - only adapted textbook recommended for English training in the integration of medical personnel from the former Soviet Union to the countries of the Commonwealth.


Designed for medical students of higher and secondary educational institutions, medical interns, practitioners and educators.




General Medicine 2nd book

In-depth study of the major branches of medicine and pathology (medicine, surgery, trauma). Timely diagnosis and treatment.

The reader will discover the differences between domestic and modern, foreign, diagnostic and therapeutic measures, will master the necessary specialized vocabulary receive invaluable linguistic and professional knowledge.

Is designed for students, interns and professionals continuously improve their professional skills.





General medicine - the third book

Dimensional and interesting sections disclosed Otolaryngology. gastroenterology, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics.

Book is valuable as a section on the organization and management of health care in different countries

The book is intended for all categories of health professionals who want to continue their careers abroad.



A Course of Dentistry  (24 classes) by Oxford scientific edition recommended for Dentisry exam preparation   to proceed with international confirmation of the diploma.



A Course of Dentistry  (24 classes) by Oxford scientific edition recommended for Dentisry exam preparation   to proceed with international confirmation of the diploma.



A Course of Dentistry  (24 classes) by Oxford scientific edition recommended for Dentisry exam preparation   to proceed with international confirmation of the diploma.

elderly care2


A Certified Training Course for medical staff on the principles of elderly care abroad (24 classes) issued  on the basis of U.S. guidelines and standards for English communication training to get employed as a caregiver both for the elderly and seriously ill patients in the USA.

opportunities for doctors2


A Training Course: "Opportunities for Doctors with the European Economic Area" (24 classes), which is an aid to Medical Dictors who wish and are going to find a job abroad, as well as for the other medical professionals on their way to certify thediplomas.



A Course of  Pharmacology (24 classes) recommended  for pharmacists and chemists in order to proceed with internationalconfirmation of their diplomas.


PLAB Training  Course (24 classes) based on the materials of  GMC in order to proceed with international confirmation of thediploma and pass exams PLAB-1 and PLAB   in the UK that is specially designed for doctors   of different specialties in order to confirm their diploma and obtain a license in Great Britain.



PLAB Training  Course (24 classes) based on the materials of  GMC in order to proceed with international confirmation of thediploma and pass exams PLAB-1 and PLAB   in the UK that is specially designed for doctors   of different specialties in order to confirm their diploma and obtain a license in Great Britain.



Full printed version of PLAB 1 test answers.


Full printed version of PLAB 1 test questions include 80 topics in all areas of theoretical and practical medicine.


STEP Training  Course (24 classes) based on the ECFMG recommended edition to get prepared for USMLE exams in the United States that is designed for doctors of different specialties in order to to proceed with further international   diploma confirmation and license acquisition.



STEP Training  Course (24 classes) based on the ECFMG recommended edition to get prepared for USMLE exams in the United States that is designed for doctors of different specialties in order to to proceed with further international   diploma confirmation and license acquisition.

In order to book a course material, please call or e-mail:

25/40 Franko Str., of. 2


Phone: +38(044) 592-05-75

Tel: +38(050) 405-03-47

