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+38(044) 592-05-75

+38(050) 405-03-47

Working as a doctor in Seychelles

Seychelles is a very welcoming place for highly qualified doctors and dentists from overseas. 60% of  doctors and dentists in the Seychelles are expatriates from all over the world.

Any expatriate doctor or dentist who feels that she/he might have the right qualification and the proficiency in English and/or French language to work in Seychelles, do contact the Seychelles Medical and Dental Council to enquire about eventual work prospects in Seychelles.

How to register to practice in Seychelles – 1

All medical practitioners and dentists wishing to work in Seychelles must be registered by the Seychelles Medical  and Dental Council prior to employment.

In order to register, the applicant must submit the following documents to the Seychelles Medical and Dental Council:

  • Two passport size photographs
  • A copy of the passport showing the applicant’s full name, nationality and date of birth
  • A copy of all medical qualifications received, especially the basic qualification as a medical practitioner or dentist
  • A copy of the transcript if the applicant is a new graduate
  • The certificate of registration from the Medical and/or Dental Council where the doctor studied or worked before coming to Seychelles
  • A detailed curriculum vitae
  • A letter or recommendation from the last employer prior to coming to work in Seychelles
  • One additional reference letter from a verifiable source.

A panel of doctors and dentists (the Medical Education Committee) examines the documents and makes a determination as to whether the applicant is eligible for registration or not.

If the applicant is deemed eligible for registration, the verdict is communicated to him/her or his/her agent, usually within two weeks.

The applicant will be then entitled to a full registration or a temporary registration.

  1. Full registration is reserved for fully qualified medical practitioners or dentists on long term employment in Seychelles (usually more than one year)
  2. Temporary registration is reserved for doctors or dentists who
  • have not completed their internship (this form of temporary registration is provisional)
  • are fully qualified doctors but are coming to work in Seychelles for less than six months

An additional  registration fee of SR 500 is payable for temporary registration and SR 1000 for full registration.

A certificate of registration is issued to complete the registration process.

All applicants must fill in a registration form giving their personal details in relation to address, telephone and e-mail contacts and other such information.

E-mail Seychelles Medical  and Dental Council to request forms and any further clarification. Contacts are given at the Contact Us page on their page:

A non-refundable processing fee of SR 1200 or USD100 must be paid on deposition of the above documents.